Friday, April 13, 2012

"Remembering Jesus Christ"

Dear friends,

               Danger Of Forgetting
With passion in his veins, the apostle Paul pens a striking phase in II Timothy 2:8. He says, "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel." Doesn't that phrase strike you as patently obvious? Paul is telling Timothy to REMEMBER Jesus! In the context, Paul's dripping with urgency as he fires exhortations at Timothy. He tells Timothy to "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." He encourages him to build God's Word into faithful men who will pass the torch of truth to others (II Timothy 2:2). He expresses the muscular and manly charge to suffer hardship as a good soldier of Christ. He warns Timothy by telling him not to be distracted (II Timothy 2:3-4). He challenges him to compete like an athlete, and work with the diligent discipline of a farmer. Then, given what Paul has already said and could say ... he tells Timothy to "Remember Jesus Christ." I find those three words striking and arresting. Why? Are we really in danger of forgetting Jesus? Was Paul concerned that Timothy could forget Jesus? The answer is a resounding 'YES'! 

Divine Neglecting
Haven't you sometimes "forgotten" Jesus Christ." We all neglect things but the 'ultimate' neglect is forgetting God! I have committed this atrocious divine neglect numerous times. How? Unfortunately, we can become so consumed with our career, laser-focused on luxury, sapped from service, enamored with "our" ministry, infatuated with our gifts, fixated on feelings, and frantically busy like a bee that we FORGET HIM! Somebody once said, " Spiritual erosion comes from forgetting God." Flabby thoughts about God lead to flabby, forgetful living. 

              Deliberate Remembering
My friend, can I encourage you to remind yourself to remember Jesus. God wants us to be deliberate-intentional. You were made to glorify Him (I Corinthians 10:31). You were created to 'work out your salvation' and delight in Him (Psalm 37:4). You are to love Him. You are to confess your faults to Him (I John 1:9). You are to serve others by serving Him (Mark 10:45). Don't live your life for a principle, live it for a Person. Live and view your life as a relationship with Christ. Whatever you're doing right now, "Remember Jesus Christ." You will be tempted to forget things and even forget Him ... but don't forget HIM! He loves you, died for you on the cross and rose again. Remember not to forget Jesus by deliberately remembering Jesus Christ!

From My Heart,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church

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