Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Seeing unblieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ"

Dear Friends,

     Have you noticed how our church is catching our mission of "seeing unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ." First, our Youth Ministry had the unbelievable opportunity to serve the homeless in San Francisco recently.  Among the many things they learned and discovered, one thing they accomplished was being a link in the chain of  "seeing unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ." Bravo Raf, the Youth Ministry, and everyone who supported through your time, talent, and treasure.  Second, is a little simpler in nature;  Liz Towler sent out a prayer request on July 31st.  It said, "We are praying that the Holy Spirit will do a mighty work through this group and that they might see unbelievers become followers of Jesus Please continue to pray for this team and their unfinished task."  BrilliantAs a pastor, I love seeing our mission, and the terminology of our mission ("unfinished task") get communicated not only by our elders and deacons, but by you as a congregation.  Third, Rick Reagan shared numerous facets of our mission at the North Side LIFE group that challenged and encouraged everyone's hearts  
3 weeks ago.  My friends of FBC, let's keep the fire burning and let it keep warming all of our hearts as we endeavor to "see you unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ."

From my Heart,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church