Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Forgiveness

Dear friends,

Keys to happiness
Do you know the secrets to happiness in life? I'm not talking about a passing emotion of laughter, but a deep seated joy that lasts. As you ponder life, are you content, experiencing peace and satisfaction, or are you fearful and weighted down with guilt? If you have little peace and joy in your life, several key factors contribute to this chair-slouching, "down-in-the-dumps" mentality. What causes these teeter-totter emotions and sometimes terrifying feelings? I highly encourage you to check your understanding and application of forgiveness.
Losing our guilt
Numerous times I find myself being pulled out of the cesspool of guilt by personalizing the great love and forgiveness Jesus extends to me (Romans 5:8). Sometimes, it's the only thing I've found to consistently provide the confidence I need for not just "getting though" life but "living a fruitful" life. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 32:1. It says, "How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." Why is David blessed? Why does he feel bundles of delight? It's because he knows the joy of being fully forgiven. He realizes true happiness, deep-seated satisfaction and guilt-killing hope are found in forgiveness of sin.
What forgiveness is
Think about how massive the truth of forgiveness is. Forgiveness is God's marvelous promise to pardon. Forgiveness isn't God forgetting your sins; forgiveness is God choosing to remember your sins no more. Forgiveness is an act of free grace and rises out of nothing in us. Forgiveness is certain because Jesus died on the cross (Galatians 2:20) satisfying fully the eternal debt we owed God. Forgiveness is guaranteed because Jesus was the only sinless, sacrificial, substitute God accepted to satisfy His justice on our behalf.
Benefits of forgiveness
Who receives this conscience-cleansing, joy-producing, Christ-exalting, heart-exhilarating, soul-warming, love-producing freedom that forgiveness produces? The people-everyone who surrenders to Jesus Christ and places their faith in Him (Ephesians 2:8-9). The people whose sins are forgiven are those who have repented. The people whom God grants forgiveness are those and only those who place their faith in Him (John 14:6). Everyone who turns from following their way to embrace Jesus' way are the recipients of forgiveness ... and so much more!
Incredible grace
My friend, because of what Christ has done, ALL of your past sins, present sins and future sins are totally, completely forgiven. Are you swimming in the ocean of grace located in this truth? If guilt is your constant companion, then forgiveness is still alien to you. You are a sensible person so think it out. Have you fully apprehended that God won't hold sin against you because He counted it against Christ (II Corinthians 5:21). Get this reality into your heart and into your bloodstream. This is good news. This is great news. This is the best news anyone could hear! One writer said, "Every sin you struggle with, and every sin you have victory over, is a struggle with or a victory over a forgiven sin!" Astounding! That statement has changed my life. Forgiveness is incredible grace. It is a bottomless well of God's amazing forgiveness because we have an amazing Savior-Jesus Christ. Today, as you apply these truths, watch the Spirit of God remove layers of guilt from your life, and replace it with layers of grace to fill your life.

From My Heart,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor/Speaker
Faith Bible Church

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