Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Encourage One Another"

Dear friends,

The Need For Encouragement

Do you see the eyes of the children in the above picture? They are so young and impressionable aren't they? Their little lives are full of physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, and emotional needs. One significant need that children and even adults have is encouragement. Why? Our culture is caked with the carnality of criticism and the vice of a vicious spirit. How can you and I live above the fray of such a negative atmosphere? What are some ingredients that will pull our children (and adults) out of the pits and into the game of life? And, why are some people constantly battered with being belittled, while others soar like an eagle? If you look at a person's past, you might find one key ingredient - those who struggled in life lacked encouragement - those who were strong in life received encouragement. Mark it down - the people who are often productive in life ... some time ... somewhere ... somebody encouraged them.

A Personal Story of Encouragement

When I was at college in Iowa, I had to read a speech for a communications class. I was a nervous wreck. I always hated speaking in front of people. The time came for me to speak. My assignment (my preference) was simply to read chapter one of the book of Job. How boring! A class of college students having to listen to a tall man talk in a monotone voice. What a drag! I read it and frankly I'm surprised people didn't fall asleep - maybe some did. I was just glad it was over. When the time came to get our assignments, I had zero expectations of a good grade. When I received my grade, I was shocked. I was amazed. As I gawked at the comments my professor wrote, I had feelings of hope I had never felt before with my speaking abilities. I only knew this teacher for a few weeks. There was nothing I did to attract his attention. Apparently, as I read that chapter in Job, he saw something. He listened to my voice. He heard me speak (in a boring tone) and he saw something-he heard something. His comments said I should consider radio as a career. He said I had a great speaking voice. I was quietly excited and at the same time scared. What would I do with this new information? To this day, I cannot remember the professors name, but he had one of the biggest impacts on my life. I wish I could remember so I could thank him. Because of his words, I chose the field of communications (Sportscasting/radio). Eventually, I ended up studying the ultimate in communication (from my perspective); preaching and writing God's Word. Why did my life unfold this way? For what reason? Other than the sovereignty of God (the main reason), God chose to use a professor to speak ENCOURAGING comments that altered the trajectory of my life.
Be encouraged in Him

Author Erma Bombeck entitled a book, "If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?" Ever been in the pits? I have. Instead of doing great things for God, we sometimes flounder. How can we pull ourselves out of the doldrums of discouragement? The answer is to be encouraged in Christ. Reflect on the undeserved grace He's showered upon you. He loves you ... died for you, and nothing can separate you from His love. He's working all things together for good ... even your failures. Absorb this into your soul because you can't give away what you don't possess. You will have the grace to encourage others when your soul has been showered with His grace. 

Encourage someone

When you are preloaded with divine encouragement, it provides the backbone of a reassuring mindset. Remember, no matter how easy it is to be critical, you can learn to be a better encourager. How encouraging! We can learn to be a more effective encourager and here are two ways to refresh others. One way is simply to purpose in your heart to encourage others. One reason we don't encourage is that we are too preoccupied with ourselves and our turf. To encourage someone would mean to lift them up - that might ultimately infringe on your world that always wants YOU to be the center of the universe. Instead of being preoccupied with ourselves, purpose in your heart to encourage others. Another way to be an effective encourager is by practicing daily encouragement. God calls you and me in the inspiring verse of Hebrews 3:13, to "... encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today". My friend, practice encouraging someone ... daily. Children and adults are starving for encouragement because they've been malnourished by the silence of the world who refuses to encourage. It's easy to spout discouraging words and make people feel they've been slugged in the stomach. But Christ calls us to encourage ... often. Since He's caused us to experience the infinite waterfall of His grace, let's shower others with the grace of encouragement and injections of God's Word. Phone that friend today. Write that letter today. Text. Email. Facebook a friend. Love on your parents and children today. When you do, you'll provide numerous inoculations from the disease of discouragement and the pit of despair. My friend, somebody, somewhere, right now needs an encouraging word. I'm glad my professor in college spoke refreshing words to me. YOU can be a vessel of encouragement today? Because of Christ and all that He has done for us, I highly encourage you to do so.

From My Soul,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church

Friday, April 13, 2012

"Remembering Jesus Christ"

Dear friends,

               Danger Of Forgetting
With passion in his veins, the apostle Paul pens a striking phase in II Timothy 2:8. He says, "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David, according to my gospel." Doesn't that phrase strike you as patently obvious? Paul is telling Timothy to REMEMBER Jesus! In the context, Paul's dripping with urgency as he fires exhortations at Timothy. He tells Timothy to "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." He encourages him to build God's Word into faithful men who will pass the torch of truth to others (II Timothy 2:2). He expresses the muscular and manly charge to suffer hardship as a good soldier of Christ. He warns Timothy by telling him not to be distracted (II Timothy 2:3-4). He challenges him to compete like an athlete, and work with the diligent discipline of a farmer. Then, given what Paul has already said and could say ... he tells Timothy to "Remember Jesus Christ." I find those three words striking and arresting. Why? Are we really in danger of forgetting Jesus? Was Paul concerned that Timothy could forget Jesus? The answer is a resounding 'YES'! 

Divine Neglecting
Haven't you sometimes "forgotten" Jesus Christ." We all neglect things but the 'ultimate' neglect is forgetting God! I have committed this atrocious divine neglect numerous times. How? Unfortunately, we can become so consumed with our career, laser-focused on luxury, sapped from service, enamored with "our" ministry, infatuated with our gifts, fixated on feelings, and frantically busy like a bee that we FORGET HIM! Somebody once said, " Spiritual erosion comes from forgetting God." Flabby thoughts about God lead to flabby, forgetful living. 

              Deliberate Remembering
My friend, can I encourage you to remind yourself to remember Jesus. God wants us to be deliberate-intentional. You were made to glorify Him (I Corinthians 10:31). You were created to 'work out your salvation' and delight in Him (Psalm 37:4). You are to love Him. You are to confess your faults to Him (I John 1:9). You are to serve others by serving Him (Mark 10:45). Don't live your life for a principle, live it for a Person. Live and view your life as a relationship with Christ. Whatever you're doing right now, "Remember Jesus Christ." You will be tempted to forget things and even forget Him ... but don't forget HIM! He loves you, died for you on the cross and rose again. Remember not to forget Jesus by deliberately remembering Jesus Christ!

From My Heart,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Forgiveness

Dear friends,

Keys to happiness
Do you know the secrets to happiness in life? I'm not talking about a passing emotion of laughter, but a deep seated joy that lasts. As you ponder life, are you content, experiencing peace and satisfaction, or are you fearful and weighted down with guilt? If you have little peace and joy in your life, several key factors contribute to this chair-slouching, "down-in-the-dumps" mentality. What causes these teeter-totter emotions and sometimes terrifying feelings? I highly encourage you to check your understanding and application of forgiveness.
Losing our guilt
Numerous times I find myself being pulled out of the cesspool of guilt by personalizing the great love and forgiveness Jesus extends to me (Romans 5:8). Sometimes, it's the only thing I've found to consistently provide the confidence I need for not just "getting though" life but "living a fruitful" life. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 32:1. It says, "How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." Why is David blessed? Why does he feel bundles of delight? It's because he knows the joy of being fully forgiven. He realizes true happiness, deep-seated satisfaction and guilt-killing hope are found in forgiveness of sin.
What forgiveness is
Think about how massive the truth of forgiveness is. Forgiveness is God's marvelous promise to pardon. Forgiveness isn't God forgetting your sins; forgiveness is God choosing to remember your sins no more. Forgiveness is an act of free grace and rises out of nothing in us. Forgiveness is certain because Jesus died on the cross (Galatians 2:20) satisfying fully the eternal debt we owed God. Forgiveness is guaranteed because Jesus was the only sinless, sacrificial, substitute God accepted to satisfy His justice on our behalf.
Benefits of forgiveness
Who receives this conscience-cleansing, joy-producing, Christ-exalting, heart-exhilarating, soul-warming, love-producing freedom that forgiveness produces? The people-everyone who surrenders to Jesus Christ and places their faith in Him (Ephesians 2:8-9). The people whose sins are forgiven are those who have repented. The people whom God grants forgiveness are those and only those who place their faith in Him (John 14:6). Everyone who turns from following their way to embrace Jesus' way are the recipients of forgiveness ... and so much more!
Incredible grace
My friend, because of what Christ has done, ALL of your past sins, present sins and future sins are totally, completely forgiven. Are you swimming in the ocean of grace located in this truth? If guilt is your constant companion, then forgiveness is still alien to you. You are a sensible person so think it out. Have you fully apprehended that God won't hold sin against you because He counted it against Christ (II Corinthians 5:21). Get this reality into your heart and into your bloodstream. This is good news. This is great news. This is the best news anyone could hear! One writer said, "Every sin you struggle with, and every sin you have victory over, is a struggle with or a victory over a forgiven sin!" Astounding! That statement has changed my life. Forgiveness is incredible grace. It is a bottomless well of God's amazing forgiveness because we have an amazing Savior-Jesus Christ. Today, as you apply these truths, watch the Spirit of God remove layers of guilt from your life, and replace it with layers of grace to fill your life.

From My Heart,

Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor/Speaker
Faith Bible Church

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Temptation is something we all experience. The internet can infect us. The media can deceive us. Movies portray images that scream for our attention. Our mind and emotions are exposed to enticing situations that seem irresistible. How do you defeat the flaming arrows fired at us daily? In Matthew 4, Jesus shows us how to win against temptation. In v. 3, "...the tempter came and said to Jesus, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." Jesus had just fasted 40 days and nights. The Devil knew Jesus was hungry. Using Jesus' basic yet essential need for food, Satan tempts Jesus to sin by abusing His power and questioning His Father's care for Him. The stakes couldn't be higher. If Jesus sins, we have no Savior. His mission to the cross would be violently halted and we would be lost forever. What do you do when you are tempted? What would Jesus do?

Mercifully, Jesus combats the temptation and gives us the answer by quoting Scripture. In v. 4, Jesus says, "It is written, 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD.'" Jesus doesn't defeat Satan by quoting some random scripture. He doesn't yell some irrelevant phrase to 'bind Satan.' Jesus uses specific bible verses to defeat specific temptations. If you are losing your battle with temptation, you're not fighting it like Jesus. Be encouraged-you can win but you must wage the war Jesus' way. You must combat temptation with Scripture.

Right now, scroll through your mind where you are tempted and calculate where you keep falling spiritually. Locate that sin or temptation and ask yourself why you keep folding under the pressure. The answer probably lies in the fact that you cannot attack the temptations with Scripture? The only way to defeat supernatural temptations is with a supernatural power. You have all the power you need in the Word of God since it is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword." Wield the sword my friend. Go on the offensive. Trust God. Prayerfully yet persistently meet the temptations with scripture and watch your spiritual life take off like an airplane. The Devil's glad to throw the same darts if you keep falling to the same sin. Let's make sure you're armed and ready to meet the wiles of the Devil by being strong in the Word. Ready yourself to win the war by being empowered by the Spirit who authored the Word. When you you attack the temptation with the bible, you'll know the joy of not just floundering, but fighting and winning the war against sin and temptation.
From my heart,
Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

God-Centered Mindset

In our egocentric culture today, have you noticed how certain actors, athletes, and "famous" people live completely for themselves? They stuff their lives with cars, toys, yachts, relationships, airplanes, and nothing seems to ultimately quench their hunger for satisfaction. The main reason is because living for self alone was never the ultimate design for our existence (Isaiah 43:7).

Sadly, many people who live 100% for themselves not only become the gloomiest people in the world, but devolve into self-destruction. Why? Simply put, a selfish lifestyle will never deliver the happiness and freedom it promises. It's not wrong for one to be wealthy, influential, and pursue big dreams and goals. Indeed, Job was a wealthy man who lived early in history and had a large influence. Even though God sent tremendous family, physical, and material trials, Job garnered a God-centered mindset (Job 42:1-6). Conversely, an egotistical lifestyle without God is a dead-end street. Some of the saddest people in the world have the stench of "self-worship" surrounding them. Ultimately, a selfish lifestyle is suicidal because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

In direct contradistinction to this mindset is how the bible begins! An incredible yet familiar verse is Genesis 1:1 which says, "In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth." What's amazing is how many times "GOD" is mentioned in Genesis 1 alone! In the thirty-one verses of Genesis chapter one, "God" is referred to over 30 times! Do you know what that tells me? Can you feel the intention God has for these verses? From the beginning, GOD is the focus of the bible ...not me. God wants to broadcast Himself as the center of our universe. From the beginning, it was about God and it will always be about God.

Throughout history and eternally fixed in the mind of God is His passion is to glorify Himself and His Son Jesus Christ. Paul writes in I Corinthians 10:31, "Whether then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." If God's passion is to glorify His Son Jesus Christ, shouldn't that be your passion? Our greatest enemy in life will always be the voice that whispers and sometimes screams for self-adulation. How will you handle these clamoring voices? When people are around you, do they sense the love of Christ or do they smell the odor of selfishness. Are they attracted to the Christ who envelops your life, or are they repelled by the atmosphere of ego that clouds your life? I know it's easy to orbit our minds around ourselves, but God wants to glorify Jesus through you (Philippians 2:12-13). Our world and communities don't need more selfish people, they need you and me to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-40). Friends, amidst the challenge to exalt ourselves today, let's make much of Christ and His grace. Let's fight our tendency to have a selfish mindset and replace it with a God-centered one. If you do, you'll know the pleasure, joy and adventure of living God's way for God's glory.

From my heart,
Rick Hoppe
Teaching Pastor
Faith Bible Church
"To see unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ."